Curlers in the washing machine, what happens to laundry: few people know | August 23, 2024


Washing in the washing machine
We know that the washing machine is a fundamental appliance in every home, so much so that practically everyone has one nowadays. But did you know that it can ruin clothes?

If we set the temperature wrong, we run the risk of having shrunk sweaters, if we choose a wash that is too aggressive, we will ruin the clothes in the long run, if we put different colors in the drum, they could transfer. In short, we must be very careful in choosing the right settings and the appropriate and least aggressive products possible.

In itself, this operation is already quite traumatic for our clothes, so much so that an inconvenience we can encounter is that they get ruined by starting to produce fluff and lint. This material, in addition to ruining the aesthetics of our beloved clothes, clogs the washing machine by inserting itself into its mechanisms and accumulating as we carry out new washes.

Washing machine
Washing machine curlers trick –
Today we reveal a home trick that not everyone knows: it will be enough to equip yourself with some curlers. Let’s see the procedure.


Save clothes with curlers
They are accessories that all grandmothers had at home until recently. We are talking about curlers, which were used to create wonderful curls but which then gave way to more advanced systems to obtain the desired wavy hairstyle.

The spiny structure makes them perfect for preventing lint from clothes from dispersing inside the washing machine. Doing so is very simple, in fact it will be enough to insert one or two inside the drum before starting the wash cycle. It can be done before or after placing the load, at this point we can start the wash.



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