Today I have a delicious carrot salad on the menu, and I invite you to join this culinary adventure!
Carrots are rich in health benefits, as they are rich in vitamins B, E, C and contain beta-carotene. An important point: the quality of carrots directly affects the taste of the salad!
Prepare in advance to save time in the kitchen.
Here are some useful tips:
When choosing carrots, pay attention to their appearance: the ideal carrot should be smooth, without deformation and firm. Covering with soil is not important, unless long-term storage is planned.
The beautiful appearance of carrots often testifies to their juiciness and taste. A bright color indicates a high vitamin content. Unlike other vegetables, whose attractive appearance can hide the presence of nitrates.
Instructions for preparing the salad:
Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
Grate the cheese.