Musk, not known for his ability to shy away from a Twitter feud, had recently made the talk show a frequent target of his 280-character barbs. Did Musk’s ongoing feud with “The View” and its co-host Whoopi Goldberg have anything to do with the cancellation? Did the tech titan’s vast Twitter army impact the show’s fate?
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Decadent Delight: Texas Turtle Sheet Cake Recipe
Casserole with Spinach and Potatoes: A Delight Inspired by Spain
A Surprising Solution for Persistent Stove Grease: Vaseline
Just a teaspoon, and the orchid miraculously blooms many flowers
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I’m all about those hefty portions when I eat out. It’s awesome that I can have the same at home now!
6 ways to clean your kitchen sink that you might not have heard of.
His ranch became the perfect escape for him. Doing grunt work, clearing bushes, and planting about a thousand trees lets Tom Selleck stay fit better than any gym.