Caring for Christmas Cactus: Boosting Blooms, Propagation & Identifying Festive Varieties (Page 2 ) | August 8, 2024

Growing Medium
In the wild, these cactuses thrive not in typical soil, but in natural nooks cradling organic detritus. A potting mix specially formulated for cacti or succulents, which offers superior drainage, is ideal.


Despite their expansive growth, they appreciate a cozy space for their roots. Repotting is only necessary every few years, and even then, opt for a pot just a size up.

Nutritional Needs
Post-bloom, as the plant unfurls new leaf sections, nourish it with a quality houseplant fertilizer every two weeks. During its blooming phase, monthly feeding suffices.

The Blooming Conundrum
Their mesmerizing blossoms come in hues of pink, orange, white, and more. But inducing these blooms requires a bit of finesse.

After a dormancy stretch roughly four weeks prior to their respective blooming seasons, these cactuses awaken to flower. Mimic natural conditions by ensuring longer, cooler nights. Shield them from light for 12-14 hours daily using a cloth or box if needed. Meanwhile, maintain temperatures of 50-55°F for bud formation.


Once the buds start peeking, return the cactus to its regular spot.

However, during the budding phase, it’s pivotal to offer consistent care, avoiding abrupt shifts in location



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