What they discovered in the stomach of this sperm whale shocked the entire world! It’s almost unbelievable! Scientists said a dead sperm whale that washed ashore in Hawaii in February 2023, had nets and plastic debris in its stomach, highlighting the threat to wildlife from the millions of tons of plastic that ends up in oceans every year.
Thanks for your SHARES!
Strawberry Roll Cream Cake
Cranberry and orange bread with simple glaze
These were so good, I had no idea they were also low carb
Whenever I bake this recipe, my home smells incredible
Mix vinegar, lemon and medical oil, you can removes calcium deposits, clean stainless steel faucets quickly and shiningly !
Tuscan Chicken Recipe
The Unlikely Bedtime Companion: Garlic Under Your Pillow
Breaking News : Megan Rapinoe Leaves America, Vows Never to Return “I’m Out of Here”: