Caramelized Onion Tart (Page 3 ) | March 2, 2024

Red-colored fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins C and A, potassium, antioxidants.


Yellow/orange colored fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamins C and A and potassium. They strengthen the immune system.

White-colored fruits and vegetables such as mushrooms and bananas are beneficial for cardiovascular health and correct high cholesterol levels.

Green-colored fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of vitamin K. It has high antioxidant and fiber content. They positively affect bone, eye and dental health.

Purple-colored fruits and vegetables such as cranberries and eggplants have benefits for brain health, such as improving memory.


Use legumes as a protein source
Insufficient protein intake can cause muscle wasting and adversely affect bone health. As protein intake decreases, immunity weakens, making the human body more susceptible to diseases and infections. Legumes can be a good option as a protein source after animal products. In addition to protein, legumes are a good source of iron, folate, magnesium and fiber. Foods such as beans, lentils and chickpeas should be on the plates during the day, but they should be cooked well. By adding it to salads, it increases the feeling of satiety, while the protein content in vegetables becomes more diversified. Pre-soaking legumes such as beans and chickpeas and not using cooking water will facilitate their digestion. For protein intake, vegan milks such as soy milk and pea protein milk should be preferred over other plant milks with higher protein content.

Get plenty of fluids in your body
It is important for each individual to get as much water as they need daily. Adequate fluid intake is essential for the digestion of the nutrients taken into the body and for their use by the body. By drinking enough water during the day, maximum benefit from nutrients can be achieved, and one can be more vigorous and healthy. Changes in the body, especially in individuals who have just started a vegan diet, can cause problems such as stress, digestive and intestinal problems. Consumption of sufficient water can minimize the possibility of experiencing constipation, bloating and gas complaints.

Include oil seeds in snacks
Nuts such as hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, and chia are actually in the group of oil seeds. Fat ratios are high, but the oils they contain are beneficial for the body. Iron, omega-3, fiber, zinc contents are high. They ensure that the feeling of satiety continues for a long time, especially when consumed with fruits at snacks. Thanks to the fact that chia seeds contain many antioxidant substances, they positively affect cardiovascular health and balance cholesterol levels. Oilseeds are also rich in protein. By consuming milk obtained from oil seeds, nutrients can be taken into the body, but their fat content is low.

Get enough nutrients
Nutrient deficiencies from foods of animal origin are common in people on a vegan diet. Iron found in plant sources cannot be used as well as in animal sources. To improve the use of iron, it is necessary to consume it with vitamin C sources. Zinc is also limited in absorption from plant sources such as iron. Cooking methods are important to increase zinc absorption. Zinc-containing foods become more usable when they are baked by making bread with yeasts such as sourdough. Since milk and dairy products are not consumed, calcium deficiency must be covered. Cabbage is calcium-fortified vegan products, kale is rich in calcium.


Consume quality oils



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