An Almost Foolproof Approach to Rodent Control: The Lemon-Pepper Strategy (Page 2 ) | April 2, 2024
  1. Cut fresh lemons into slices or extract lemon juice if using essential oil.
  2. Soak cotton balls or gauze pads in lemon juice or place lemon slices directly in areas where rodents are active or likely to enter (such as entry points, corners, or areas with signs of rodent activity).
  3. Replace or refresh lemon-soaked materials regularly to maintain potency.

Step 3: Embracing Pepper Potency


Pepper, especially black pepper, carries a strong scent that rodents find unpleasant. Here’s how to incorporate pepper into your strategy:

  1. Sprinkle ground black pepper in areas where rodents are active or around potential entry points.
  2. Alternatively, soak cotton balls or gauze pads in pepper essential oil and place them strategically as repellent barriers.

Step 4: Strategic Placement



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