DIY Miracle Cleaner: Transform Your Kitchen with This Easy Grease-Busting Recipe | July 1, 2024


DIY Miracle Cleaner: Transform Your Kitchen with This Easy Grease-Busting Recipe

Dealing with greasy cabinets and countertops in the kitchen is a common challenge for homeowners. Whether it’s from cooking spills, oily residues, or just the accumulation of grime over time, these surfaces can become unsightly and unhygienic. Finding an effective cleaning solution becomes crucial in maintaining a clean and pleasant kitchen environment. Thankfully, my mother-in-law recently shared her own DIY Miracle Cleaner recipe, which has proven to be incredibly effective and has made a significant difference in my cleaning routine.

Before you dismiss this as just another cleaning tip, let me assure you that this homemade cleaner is truly exceptional. It’s not only effective but also easy to make with simple household ingredients. By following these steps, you can transform your kitchen cleaning experience:

What You’ll Need:

White vinegar.

Baking soda.

Dawn dish soap (or any other dish soap known for cutting grease).


Warm water.

Spray bottle.

Sponge or microfiber cloth.

Steps to Make the Miracle Cleaner:


Step 1

Start by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle. Vinegar, being acidic, naturally breaks down grease.

Step 2


Add a few drops of Dawn dish soap to the vinegar and water mixture.

Step 3

Dawn is specifically designed to cut through grease effectively.

Step 4

Close the spray bottle and gently shake it to mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Step 5


Sprinkle baking soda directly onto the greasy surfaces. Baking soda acts as a gentle abrasive that helps to loosen tough grease deposits.

Step 6

Spray the vinegar and soap solution over the baking soda. You’ll notice it fizzing up, indicating that it’s actively reacting to dissolve the grease.

Step 7


Allow the mixture to sit on the surface for about 5 to 10 minutes. This dwell time helps to penetrate and break down the grease effectively.

Step 8

Use a sponge or a microfiber cloth to scrub the surface gently. The combination of baking soda and the vinegar solution should make it easy to remove the grease.



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