Growing Peppers Upside Down in Grocery Bags: The Secret to an Abundant Harvest | November 16, 2023


When space is at a premium, and you yearn for a novel way to cultivate chili peppers, turning to the innovative technique of growing peppers upside down in grocery bags could be the answer. This creative gardening approach is not only space-efficient but also serves as a conversation starter. By suspending the bags and repurposing the top half of a 5L plastic bottle as a planter, you can effectively nurture chili pepper seedlings. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process, from preparing the bags and support structure to selecting the right soil and fertilizers for optimal growth.

Materials and Tools Needed:

  • Grocery bags (doubled or tripled for extra strength)
  • Wooden support structure
  • Top half of a 5L plastic bottle
  • Compost or potting soil
  • Banana peels
  • Fish remains (or fish emulsion)
  • Phosphate fertilizer
  • Chili pepper seedlings
  • Watering can or hose
  • Scissors
  • Drill (for creating a hole in the bottom of the bags)

Step-by-Step Guide:



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