Step 1: Preparing the Mixture
First, in a bowl, whisk the eggs with butter or margarine using a whisk until the mixture is smooth. Then, add the condensed milk and mix again. Next, incorporate the shredded coconut and stir until all ingredients are well combined.
Step 2: Preparing the Glass Dish
After that, grease a glass dish with margarine. Avoid using oil or flour to maintain the desired texture.
Step 3: Baking the Queijadinha
Then, pour the mixture into the greased glass dish. Preheat the oven to 356 °F (180 °C). Bake for approximately 35 minutes, or until the surface is golden brown.
Step 4: Serving
Finally, let the queijadinha cool before serving, or enjoy it while it’s still warm.
Advertisement:Use the type of shredded coconut you prefer, whether fresh or dried.
The queijadinha will have a creamy texture, similar to coconut pudding.
Serve chilled for a refreshing experience or warm for a comforting taste.
Makes 6 generous servings. Easy to prepare, quick, and incredibly delicious.