Wrap the drain in aluminum foil and save money: A perfect trick that few people know about! | August 6, 2024


Bathroom and kitchen drains are places where colonies of microbes, bacteria and unpleasant odors are concentrated.

Proper cleaning and maintenance are important to keep drain pipes clean.

Stagnant water, food remains, soap residue, hair, and limescale are the main causes of unpleasant odors.
The misconsejosdejardineria website recommends a deep cleaning and has a useful tip for you.

You only need aluminum foil.


What causes drain odor?

Poorly functioning drains are one of the causes of unpleasant odors that form in sink and washbasin drains.

Proper cleaning of the trap helps prevent plumbing problems and odor formation.

Stagnant water and food remains, vegetable oils and dietary fats in general tend to adhere to the walls of the drain pipes and accumulate day after day, decompose and cause problems in the pipes and bad odors.


Goodbye to odor and drains clogged with aluminum foil.

To eliminate the smell that forms in the sink drain, it is good to use an effective trick.

How to proceed with this method?


Simply wrap the ends in aluminum foil to keep them warm and from getting cold.

Keeping them warm helps prevent the build-up of vegetable fats and oils that are poured into the sink.

These are a common cause of unpleasant odors and drain blockages.

Wrapping pipes in aluminum foil has the function of keeping them at a certain temperature so they don’t cool down, but they tend to slide down the pipe.

This prevents the accumulation and breakdown of fats.

But this method alone is not enough.


To degrease pipes and prevent odors from forming in sink drains, it is good to use a chemical reaction.

You must prepare a mixture of white vinegar and baking soda.

After introducing the mixture into the pipe, let it sit overnight and that’s it.



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