The twig trick to reproduce Salvia endlessly without spending a euro
Sage is an aromatic plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family, full of beneficial substances for our body and perfect for flavoring food.
Growing it with your own hands is not difficult, you just need to follow the right instructions and be full of love and attention towards this new adventure.
Potted sage how to reproduce it
Let’s immediately see what the fundamental points are to complete this project.
The seedling can be born simply from the seeds even if obviously the growth will be slower. Doing it is very simple: you need to pour the soil into a vase, add many seeds and cover them with soil. Then we water and that’s it. However we can also use the multiplication by cutting or using a simple sprig of sage. The operation is very simple: just insert the cutting into the ground during the autumn or spring without using rooting hormones, or using a little honey on the cut branch that we are going to bury.
Advertisement:- What do we need to grow a sage seedling?
The first thing to do after buying a sage plant is to bring it to our apartment and immediately change the pot. It is important to proceed with the repotting operations using one 30 or 40 centimeters wide and deep which will be perfect for containing the long roots typical of our seedling. Then you need to position it so that it is sheltered from the wind. At the same time it must be constantly kissed by the sun and above all it must not be watered too frequently. Clearly, even if it is a plant destined to last, it is always better to renew it every 3 – 4 years and fertilize it during the autumn period and then prune it only when the size of the plant is excessive.
- Is it possible to grow salvia for a whole family?
Obviously during the first year the seedling will grow very slowly. However, it will be possible to use its first leaves to season our dishes. During the following spring the plant will grow perfectly and much faster. In fact, even a single plant can easily satisfy family consumption.
- How should you collect and store sage?
Sage can be harvested throughout the year given that it belongs to the evergreen plant family. You can store the leaves in the fridge after wrapping them in a sheet of absorbent paper placed in a plastic bag. If the leaves are moistened with olive oil we can store them for up to 3 weeks in the fridge. Otherwise we have to use them within just under a week.
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