Goodbye fruit flies, with this natural remedy you will keep them away in an instant | July 20, 2024


Eating plenty of fruit during the day is very important, as this will ensure a balanced nutritional and vitamin intake. However, especially in warm seasons, it can happen that many insects enter the kitchen and midges form on the fruit. How to protect yourself? Here you will find everything you need to know.

Goodbye fruit flies
Daily consumption of fruit is recommended by almost everyone and is present in any self-respecting diet. The antioxidant properties of the fruit are very important to keep our body healthy for as long as possible. In addition, the vitamins present inside guarantee a constant source of energy to better face all the tasks of the day.

Each season of the year has, so to speak, its “own” fruit. We all have tastes and may prefer one fruit to another. Regardless, we reiterate the absolute importance of consuming fruit within 24 hours.

Fruits can also be preserved and stored outside the refrigerator when they have not yet reached overripe levels. However, once ripe, it is best to place it in the refrigerator drawer.


Especially during the summer months, mosquitoes and other insects can be attracted by the smell of fruit , invading our kitchen. Let’s discover natural remedies to keep mosquitoes away from our home. Here are the details.

The natural method to repel fruit flies
The odors and bright colors of the fruit are a great source of attraction for mosquitoes, flies and other similar insects. In addition to being annoying, they contribute to spoiling the fruits in our kitchen. In addition, the more ripe it is, the greater the risk of mosquitoes landing on it.

fruit midges
The reason? Mosquitoes “choose” very ripe fruit or other fermented substances to lay their eggs . To avoid this threat, as we have already mentioned, it will be important to store ripe fruits in the refrigerator. However, during the warm months of the year, insects can be present in other conditions as well.

There are several natural methods to prevent them from coming into the house and feeling “puzzled” by fruits or other foods in the kitchen. Which? Below is a summary of practical, simple and effective natural remedies .


A solution of water and sugar can be important, for example, to protect against the threat. Simply place a container with these mixed items near the fruits or on your kitchen balcony. Another similar solution involves using vinegar and wine .

The method is the same. In a bowl you can put half the wine and half the vinegar. This solution, if placed on the windowsill, will keep insects away from the kitchen and fruit , as they will be bothered by the smell of these elements.

Other ingredients that help better solve this problem.
Baking soda is undoubtedly another element capable of eliminating the presence of mosquitoes in your kitchen. Everyone knows the incredible properties of this element, capable of better degreasing surfaces and important for many other aspects. Among these is also its effectiveness in repelling insects . As?


Fruit fly remedies
Mosquitoes, ants and insects in general cannot “stand” bicarbonate and move away as soon as they see this ingredient. Simply spread a little of this product in certain specific areas to eliminate the risk of insects on fruit or in the kitchen.


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