Rick Harrison, the creator and lead cast member of the popular reality TV show “Pawn Stars,” is grieving the loss of his son, Adam Harrison. Tragically, Adam passed away at the age of 39 due to a drug overdose. The devastating news was confirmed by Laura Herlovich, Rick’s representative, to The Las Vegas Review Journal.
Advertisement:In an update, the Clark County Coroner released the cause of Adam’s death, ruling it as an accident. The toxic combination of fentanyl and methamphetamine was the cause of the tragedy. The Coroner will provide a comprehensive report at a later date.
It is important to acknowledge the rising numbers of fentanyl-related deaths in the United States. According to the CDC, in 2022 alone, 73,654 people lost their lives due to a fentanyl overdose, which is more than double the number from 2019.
Adam, a plumber by trade, was not a regular cast member on “Pawn Stars,” the show that has been captivating audiences since 2009. However, he did work at the family pawn shop, Gold & Silver Pawn, which is the focal point of the series.
Advertisement:On behalf of the Harrison family, Laura Herlovich issued a statement requesting privacy while the family mourns the loss of Adam. Rick took to Instagram to honor his son, sharing a heartfelt photo of them together and declaring, “You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam.”
Rick’s oldest son, Corey Harrison, also paid tribute to his younger brother through social media. Sharing a childhood photo of the two of them in a bathtub, Corey expressed his everlasting love, writing, “I will always love you bubba.”
The tragic news of Adam’s passing was initially reported by TMZ, and the Las Vegas Metro Police Department is currently investigating the circumstances surrounding his death. In a statement to FOX News Digital, Rick Harrison confirmed that the cause of Adam’s death was indeed a fentanyl overdose.
Advertisement:Rick emphasized the urgent need to address the fentanyl crisis and expressed his frustration with the lack of action in preventing the flow of this deadly drug across borders. He urged for unified efforts to combat this crisis and protect lives.
It is crucial for everyone to understand the lethal potency of fentanyl. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, a mere 2 milligrams of fentanyl, less than a grain of salt, can be fatal.
Advertisement:As Rick Harrison and his family mourn the loss of Adam, their message serves as a somber reminder of the devastating consequences caused by the fentanyl crisis.
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