Having arrived at the wildlife center, the wonderful people there took Buddy in and assured me he would be okay. He was banged up pretty badly, but with some time and healing, Buddy would be good to go in a few weeks. He’ll never be able to be in the wild again, but he will remain at the rescue center for kids and people to enjoy as they learn about our wonderful wild creatures.
Lora B
Media, PA
Thanks for your SHARES!
When these balls came out of the oven, the whole family scarfed down 3 trays!
Decadent Denmark King’s Hawaiian Cheesecake: A Royal Dessert
Whenever I put this on the table, everyone seems to go bonkers
The Magic Trick to Unshrink Clothes in Just 15 Minutes
HOME TRICK, how to clean and degrease the glass inside the oven: You don’t have to dismantle anything – it’s quick and easy!
A Cozy Family Favorite: Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
Kelly Rizzo Shows Incredible Strength in the Face of Grief
Banana Cream Pie